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Author Archives: admin

Maritime navigation and radiocommunication equipment and systems – Galileo

by IEC/TC 80

Discussion on the above content.

JAXA Satellites for SDGs 15 – Forest Monitoring

by Osamu OCHIAI and JAXA

Discussion on the above content.

International Space Station: Off the Earth, for the Earth, and Beyond.

by NASA Video

Discussion on the above content.

How do Satellites work? | ICT #10

by Lesics

Discussion on the above content.

Human Security: The Emerging Paradigm for Understanding Global Vulnerabilities

by Sadako OGATA and Council on Foreign Relations

Discussion on the above content.

Slide Explanation: Geography Markup Language (GML) [video]

by Audiopedia

Discussion on the above presentation.

Audiopedia’s Geography Markup Language (GML) [video]

by Sanjay Agal

Let us discuss on the above document.

NIST Cybersecurity Framework [video]

Let us discuss on the above document.

Standards and block chain

Let us discuss on the above document.

Space for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

Let us discuss on the above document.